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In recent years, the world has undergone significant changes that have completely transformed the way we live. With increasing digital connectivity, we often find ourselves staying "switched on" for extended periods, leading to various complex issues that may not be immediately visible but can affect our attention, focus, decision-making abilities, and relationships in the long run. Breaking free from this endless cycle of seeking more can be challenging.

That's where I come in. My goal is to help you maximise your focus and attention while you work and to help you switch off so you can enjoy your life without being distracted by your to-do list. This can help you become a better leader, manager, and co-worker. With a decade of experience coaching high-performing individuals and teams, I run a boutique coaching agency that provides 1:1 and group coaching to ambitious, driven, and highly motivated individuals.

My services are designed to remind you that slowing down can be beneficial, and you don't always have to go full throttle. I believe maintaining composure during challenging situations is essential. 

In a world where some look outside of themselves for answers, my ethos is to help you turn inward for the guidance you need. I advocate for becoming more introspective to cultivate change from within before executing, which leads to emotional self-awareness and effective leadership. 

When things get stressful, it can be challenging to keep a level head, but I have strategies that I share with my clients to help them perform at their best, even when things feel out of control. Learning to be calm amidst chaos can be a superpower.

Together, we will create a customised coaching experience that will enable you to make an impact in the areas that matter most to you. If you're ready to get started, please connect via this form here

I bet you’re here because you feel the same way too ??

Arianna Pienaar Reiki Energy Medicine Healer and Spiritual Mentor sitting in chair by window.JPG

I believe you have a very unique set of gifts that set you up for the the work you’re meant to do in the world.

This includes your quirks, your personality and most importantly, your desires.

I believe that whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, whether you have a thriving career, or you look after a family, allowing your creativity to lead the way is your ticket to freedom.

Regardless of what you’re facing right now, you can change your life and, by doing so, change the trajectory of where you’re heading for the future.

This belief, along with a tenacious and resilient outlook on my own challenges, has lead me to some incredible experiences.


My job is to help you understand what the solution is to your own challenge, and help you pave a path towards your own joy, so that you can fall in love with your life (and yourself in the process).

Arianna Pienaar Reiki Energy Medicine Healer and Spiritual Mentor sitting on floor.jpg



Which brings me to you.

I'm here to support you.

My business is built with a service mindset and a heart-centered commitment to be a reminder of what’s good in life.


Through my free content, online training programs and anything else I offer — I’m in this to help you to make a difference.

To help you build a life that you’re in LOVE WITH.

One that’s as unique to you, as your own fingerprints.

Whether you’re looking to make a big change in your personal life, start the business you’ve been meaning to, or simplify your plans, I’m here to help you create it.

Whatever it is that’s yearning within; I’m here to help you draw out your innate wisdom so you can sing to your own tune, no longer marching to the beat of someone else’s drum.

As an Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Coach, I work with my clients to identify their strengths and weaknesses in all areas of life where they feel they’re being held back, and provide guidance and support to help them improve.

My approach involves using a variety of techniques and tools to help clients build self and social awareness, which are essential components of emotional intelligence and effective leadership.

One of the key aspects of my work is to coach towards introspection. This involves helping them to identify their emotional triggers and patterns of behaviour, as well as their strengths and weaknesses as a leader. By developing a greater understanding of themselves, they can learn to manage their emotions more effectively, communicate more clearly, and build stronger relationships with their colleagues and others in their lives. 

Inevitably, this work starts to create ripples within organisations and communities because by understanding our own emotions, we pave the way to understanding the emotions of others as well as the dynamics of group interactions. By developing the skills required to learn about how we best work, we learn to communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships with our friends and families, colleagues and lead more successful teams.

Overall, my goal is to help individuals and organisations develop the emotional intelligence and leadership skills needed to succeed in today's complex and rapidly changing world.


You’ll get weekly love notes and first dibs on my offerings, bonus content and other subscriber-only resources you can’t get anywhere else.
What are you interested in hearing about?
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Thank you so much for taking the time to visit.

I’m thrilled we’re connected and I’m excited for the journey ahead.

With all my love,



Arianna has a Masters Degree in Commerce, majoring in Human Resource Management.

For more than 10 years, she led Executive Teams and spearheaded Emotional Intelligence Leadership Campaigns with High Level Leaders.

Through the lens of her own story, Arianna distills and shares her experience with tools and strategies that anyone can use. Arianna teaches people to "find their own voice", "ask for what they need," and learn the art of "embodied leadership".

Whether battling addiction, emotional discomfort, writer's block, burn-out, overwhelm, high-pressured stress situations, or chronic pain, you will reconnect with your inner wisdom, cultivate balance, speak and act with compassion and honesty, and learn to lead from the front.

Arianna mentors and coaches people from all over the world, guiding them to create lives that they’re in love with. 

She is a yoga teacher, holistic (and clinical) aromatherapist and NeuroLinguistics Coach and runs a boutique coaching agency from her office in NSW Australia.

In her search to become a better leader and teacher, she has studied many (countless) Holistic Health Modalities.

Including: Energy Medicine and Coaching, Flower Remedies, Subtle Aromatherapy, Hands-On Healing, Various Styles of Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork, NeuroLinguistic Programming, and Emotional Intelligence Mentoring and Therapy. 

She Is available to teach yoga, meditation, breathwork and hands-on healing sessions to groups, and also holds the relevant qualifications, certifications and insurances to support clients, customers and patients 1:1.

She teaches the following styles of Yoga:

Hatha Yoga (Dynamic, Strong, Longer Holds) - The practice involves breath, body, and mind, and classes are usually 45 minutes to 90 minutes of breathing, yoga poses, and meditation

Yin Yoga (long-held passive floor poses) - The poses are held for up to five minutes, sometimes longer.

Prenatal Yoga, (designed for those who are pregnant) It focuses on improving strength and flexibility, and offering breathing techniques that can be helpful during labor.

 Jivamukti Yoga - a physical, ethical, and spiritual practice, combining a vigorous yoga as exercise, vinyasa-based style with adherence to five central tenets: shastra (scripture), bhakti (devotion), ahimsā (nonviolence, non-harming), nāda (music), and dhyana (meditation).

For more information please contact her at

Or you can fill in this form right here, and she will get back to you within 48 business hours.

She lives in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia.


+ What My business is built on ...(brand pillars)

why we do what we do

CONGRUENCE Helping others to choose their beliefs, emotions, inspired actions and the way that they can be a part of positive change - from beliefs, to emotions, to actions, to influence, Arianna and her team help others to exchange blame for responsibility and openly accept their role in their own happiness.

FREEDOM Providing people with a multi-faceted approach that is attuned with their uniqueness. From breathwork through to coaching, and energy healing & medicine, we use tools, practices and emotional intelligence techniques that can support the individual to live their life fully without shackles to the past, without reliving their own traumas or generational traumas, and to be fully free from these life limiting constraints.

NON- DUALISM There is no absolute. No right or wrong, no good or bad traits, no right way to do anything. There are only both! We can create a world that is an ‘and’ vs. an ‘or’ approach to life, a place where dualism does not exist. Where ego is replaced by reverence and differences are embraced to form a collective oneness. And, we must do it within our own inner landscape first, by embracing all parts of ourselves. To live our lives in our Truth instead of some preconceived expectation.

EQUANIMITY Teach people how to live more in the moment, embrace play and to have the courage to take inspired action with the things that they change, co-create that which gives them joy and to accept what is, and then move from that place rather than retrospectively looking at what ‘should have been done’ or what's out of their control. Bring people back to who they were as children with the added insight of age - wisdom and experience meet playfulness/vulnerability and it’s at this crossroads where equanimity results.

WOMEN Women’s roles are at their most powerful point in history - this is the time where the Matriarch will affect tremendous change that will be both progressive and healing for herself and for those she holds dear.

A BEACON OF HOPE & AWAKENING Arianna’s team of catalysts have a strong grounding presence, and they are very certain about what they want and how they want to show up for their community. They’re able to find peace within themselves, for others to share in. People see their strength as endearing and desirable and that is something that they want to emulate for themselves.

EXAMPLES OF WHAT THEY TEACH Arianna’s team of catalysts have a strong grounding presence, and they are very certain about what they want and how they want to show up for their community. As ‘spiritual activists’ they are teachers as well as living and breathing examples in their community, teaching acceptance, personal responsibility and accountability.

They’re able to find peace within themselves, for others to share in. People see their strength as endearing and desirable and that is something that they want to emulate for themselves.


Company Values

Benevolence - wanting to achieve more for others through generosity in sharing our collective insights and gifts

Compassion - respecting where people are at, their journey and personal history

Wisdom - dedication to learn, grow, and deepen our understanding of the world both seen and unseen.

Courage - doing the right thing, and taking the leap even when it’s scary

Honesty - dignity, harmony and congruence with authentic self with a dedication to the TRUTH

Diligence - careful and dedicated persistence to our work.

Catalysts - by demonstrating the way forward, with desired joy, strength, in community and sharing their gifts with others, Arianna’s team is focused on facilitating positive change


certifications & credentials

- Yoga Teacher (RYT350) Trained in Hatha Vinyasa and Jivamukti Yoga (300HR)

- Breathwork Facilitator (100HR)

- Reiki Master, Practitioner & Teacher, Coach and Mentor

- Qualified Emotions Mentor (specialising in Emotional Intelligence Tools and Techniques in the Workplace)

- Health Coach Certification with the Integrative School Of Nutrition

- Holistic & Complementary Therapist (DipHealth) - Energy Medicine Practitioner, Teacher, Coach and Mentor

- Master of Commerce majoring in Human Resource Management (people & culture)

- Licensed Heart Centered Facilitator (working with Virtues of the Heart